Help Center / Chat

About team members roles

When inviting other people to participate in the shared chat on brand, the Account Owner can choose which role they want them to fill in their team.

Each role is equipped with different permissions by default that grant or limit access to several areas of the console and actions that can affect the number and the account.

Besides the Account Owner, who is the Super Administrator with full permissions, the 3 assignable roles to invited team members are the following:

  • Administrator
  • Supervisor
  • Agent

This is a brief guide to each role's implications and what actions they can take at a platform level. If you need to know more about Team Permissions specifically related to the chat (as in "which user can read all chats" or "which user can start new chats", please check [this article].

You can customize and define customer permissions per user role. Read this article for more information


Admins have access to all sections of the platform including the chat and the console.

Admins can perform these specific tasks that other users cannot access:

  • Accessing the developers’ section (API keys, Webhooks, API documentation, tech tutorials, live API testing, live programming testing)
  • Changing team members’ roles 
  • Changing general account details (Address, type of account, VAT id)
  • Managing payment details
  • Managing subscription
  • Set Team Permissions for Supervisors and Agents

The Account Owner is automatically an Administrator, in fact, it's a Super Administrator because they have 100% control of the account. The Account Owner can grant Admin permissions similar to theirs to other users as well, nonetheless, only the Account owner can do what follows:

  • Change the Account Owner's email address and password
  • Set chat permissions for other Admins, as well as all the other team members
  • Changing general account details (Address, type of account, VAT id)
  • Managing payment details
  • Managing subscription


Supervisors have full access to the chat and to t console features, except the developers’ section. They cannot perform the tasks that are listed above which are a prerogative of the admins, however, compared to Agents they get to use a broader range of features, such as the following:

  • Taking actions on the number, such as authorizing, rebooting, recreating, taking a screenshot, and syncing.
  • Accessing the numbers Analytics section
  • Adding members to the team
  • Set Team Permissions for Agents


Agents platform is designed to remove all distractions and improve focus on the chat, therefore, they have restricted access and can only see the following areas:

  • Chats
  • Files
  • Contacts
  • Help Center


Please bear in mind that the helpdesk is configured according to the role of the user: agents will only be seeing articles that concern their day-to-day work, but they won’t be able to see articles that have to do with the management of the device because they cannot take any action on it. As mentioned above, the agents' roles differences detailed in this article refer to what tools and actions on your WhatsApp number users have access to, however, by default all users can open and interact with all chats, meaning that they can read them, reply and take all kinds of actions on them. If you want to restrict chat access and interactions permissions to one or more agents' roles, you can read this article.


We designed this hierarchy to meet companies’ need to give more or less visibility of the overall activity on the WhatsApp number and to restrict certain actions that could affect other users. Please keep in mind that the roles that we have created do not need to match exactly the structure of your company and are only indicative of the kind of environment they can interact inside brand.

If one of your cooperators needs access to the developers’ section, including the API key and webhooks, make sure that you assign them the role of Admin.

Make sure to always have at least one Supervisor or one Admin available in case the device needs a specific task like authorising, syncing or rebooting.

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